3 Common and Damaging Bail Bond Mistakes You Can Avoid
One day, you could end up in jail.
If you do, your first port of call will be bail. In order to get out, it's important to follow specific steps and not to do anything that could result in your application being refused.
Our bail agents have worked in the system for years. During our time assisting hundreds of different clients, we've seen it all.
Read on to find out three bail bond mistakes that we see too often and how to avoid them.
1. Using the Wrong Address
When posting bail, it's crucial that you provide the defendant's correct address. If you don't, you could be putting your bail application at greater risk of being denied.
If the bail bond agency spots anything fishy with your paperwork, they could revoke it altogether.
Make sure you confirm the address before you post bail, so you can be sure that you're getting it right.
2. Falling Out with Your Bail Co-Signer
When you find yourself in jail, one of the first questions you may ask yourself is "who can bail me out?"
You might be unable to post bail yourself. If you're lucky enough to have a friend or family member who can help you out, make sure you appreciate what they're doing for you.
Whoever comes forward to co-sign and pay your bail is doing you a big favor. Too many people make the mistake of taking their co-signers for granted and mistreating them once they get out of jail. Don't make this mistake.
If they change their mind about helping you out, they can easily remove their name and refuse to pay your bail. If they do, you'll be taken back into custody, and end up back where you started.
Don't bite the hand that feeds you.
The same goes if you're using an agency. If you don't cooperate, they could refuse to work with you.
3. Traveling While on Bail
It goes without saying that you need to examine and adhere to the conditions of your bail. Often, this involves a limit on travel. Sometimes, traveling is prohibited altogether. In any case, it's best to avoid it.
If you're out of town or state while your agency is trying to contact you, it will pose problems. You could even miss a court date, which would jeopardize your case.
If you do travel at all, make sure you notify your agency. Let them know where you're going, how long you'll be away for, and how to reach you while you're there.
Bail Bond: Let Us Help You
The judicial system and bail process are extremely complex, and at times, can be very confusing.
If you or someone you care about has already been arrested, you don't have time to learn how it all works. We understand that you just want to rectify the situation as soon as possible. We can do that for you.
Our experienced agents work night and day to make sure a bail bond is posted and defendants are released. Find out more how we can help you get out of jail fast.